Foto: Foto Alexandra
Hi! I’m Jacqueline Kaulfersch,
an illustrator based in the beautiful City of Graz, Austria.
Do you happen to be speechless from time to time?
Well I do, and that’s the reason I started to illustrate.
If you have content you want to visualize through illustration,
I’d be very happy to help you out!
Feel free to contact me at:
From 2022-2024, I was heading the Austria-wide expert cluster for illustration illustria of designaustria.
I´m a part of the wonderful team of cardamom.
2013 die Buntköpfe - Le Schnurrbart Graz
2015 GAGA - Game Art Graz Ausstellung
2017 die Buntköpfe - Culture Exchange Graz
2017 Perspektivenwechsel - Alpha Nova Graz
2018 Female Design Exhibition - Ladies Wine & Design Graz
2018 Unter die Haut - Café Vergissmeinnicht Graz
2019 - to date. Unter die Haut - Barmherzige Brüder Krankenhaus Graz
2020 part of Pitch&Patch - Urhof20
2021 UNLOCKED - illustrated perspectives from the interitim period | Graz
2021 MIND BUBBLES - illustrated perspectives from the interitim period | Waschsalon Graz
2021 curator of “We <3 Illustration” - designforum Steiermark | Graz
2022 CHANGE | group exhibition ILLU KOLLEKTIV GRAZ - Murinsel
2023 imagine | group exhibition ILLU KOLLEKTIV GRAZ - Murinsel
2023 group exhibition Illustration Ladies Graz | Café Mitte
2024 zwiespalt | group exhibition ILLU KOLLEKTIV GRAZ - Murinsel
creative industries styria
illustration ladies graz
illu kollektiv graz
Ladies Wine & Design Graz
wir gestalten es
social medias
“Von Hand, mit Herz: Illustration” | read it (german)
“Jede Lebensphase erfordert andere und neue Bedingungen” Publication: Now into New | by Maria Unterluggauer | read it (german)
Foto: Maria Unterluggauer